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Auto Draw Commands

Custom command creation is one of Sequine's biggest strength, hence, we wanted to make it easier for people to learn and utilize it. Previously, we were required to write some boilerplates, especially since we needed to define how the command is being drawn in a command editor node.

Now, with the new ICommandAutoDraw interface and certain attributes, we don't need to write any editor scripts. Fields, in-points, and out-points are all automatically drawn. For example, drawing a serialized field now is as easy as declaring them as public or with [SerializedField] attribute, just like what we normally do with components.

Auto Draw Script Auto Draw Result

Making in-points and out-points is now also easier to create with [PropertyInPoint(index)], [PropertyOutPoint(index)], and [MainOutPoint(index, label)] attributes.


You can learn more in Auto Draw Command page.

Localization Support

Sequine now also supports Unity's Localization package. This enables us to create a command that has LocalizedReference fields, such as LocalizedString, LocalizedAudioClip, and so on. This is also integrated with Auto Draw Command feature. But in case you want to keep using CommandGUI to draw your custom command, then the methods to draw those new fields are also available in Command GUI class.


Performance Improvements

In this version, we also improved the runtime performance by replacing all Task.Yield with yield return null which doesn't allocate.

Editor performance is also improved by culling the offscreen command nodes.

You can read more about the new update in the Release Notes.

· 2 min read

Performance Improvements

In version 1.5.0, we did a lot of adjustments, mainly regarding memory allocations. The details can be found in the Release Notes. Some of them might affect user's customized codes, especially if you have a custom command that overrides its GetOutput method, as now we use strongly typed output, where we should no longer cast our output into object (System.Object) type. This is not only less boilerplaty, but also faster since we no longer cast into object which causes allocation due to boxing.

Cross-Scene Reference

Check out the full description in Creating Custom Command Type.

Bug Fixes

The previous update (1.4.0) has a major bug which causes a project not to be buildable, which now has been fixed. This also includes other bug fixes which can be found in Release Notes.

New Features

In previous version, Running a sub-flow was quite confusing since the sub-flow exits once the flow from the default outputs is exited, even if there are still another parallel flows from non-default outputs running. So now, Sequine Flow provides Exit command as an alternative to explicitly specify when to exit as sub flow and back to the parent flow.

Check out the full description in Sub Flow.

· One min read

Sequine has been updated to version 1.4.0 which includes major updates revolving around the new cross-scene system, that is called Cross-Scene Reference.

The old cross-scene system, Cross-Scene Binding, did not scale well with a project that utilizes a lot of cross-scene objects. A large amount of cross-scene objects means that we will have a lot of binder assets cluttering in our project, which maybe cumbersome to manage.

The new system, Cross-Scene Reference, scrapped the use of a binder asset. It works seamlessly just like when we target a scene's object directly, without additional configurational step.

Cross-Scene Reference

Every affected command has been adjusted to work with the new system.

However, the old system is still kept as a legacy feature, to maintain compatibility for long time users.

Check out the full description in Cross-Scene System.

Release Notes:

· One min read

We would like to announce that Unity's "Fresh Assets" sale has just begun! Sequine is included as well, with 50% discount during February 14 through 28, 2024. And so, grab it before the sale ends!

Sequine Fresh Assets Sale

Lastly, we'd like to remind you that you can also join our Discord channel if you have questions and/or suggestions. Also, please kindly follow our social media too.

· 2 min read

Sequine has been updated to version 1.3.0. What's new in our new version?

1. Various Ways of Pausing and Resuming Animations

Using Pause Animation Clip At Time command, we can sample a certain pose at certain Time of an animation clip. That way, we don't have to create a new animation clip if we want to create a new pose.

Pause Animation Clip at Time

There are also new commands added in Clip Control, to pause and resume certain clips. Combined with Wait For Seconds command and such, we can recreate our prefered timing.

Pause ResumeAnimation Clip

2. Alternative Ways of Playing Animation Clips

Any command that has Clip field now has in-point to set the clip dynamically. Now we can also get the actual animation clip of an Action.

Play Animation Clip at Range

3. Play Animation Clip at Range

We can use Play Animation Clip At Range command to play an animation clip within the specified time range percentage. Random range variation can also be added by specifying the Smallest Range, so that the range would be randomized between the Smallest Range and Max Range.

Combined with Random Object Selector command, we can animate even more procedurally.

Play Animation Clip at Range

· One min read

We are happy to announce that our first version of Sequine has been released on the Asset Store! Kindly check it out, and be sure not to miss out our 50% launch discount for two weeks!

Sequine Asset Store Cover

We'd be very happy to hear your thoughts on our Tool as well. If you have questions or suggestions, you can join our Discord channel, and kindly follow the social media too.