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Load Scene Async

Load Scene Async

Loads a scene asynchronously.


Make sure to add the scene to the build settings first.


  • Scene to Load: The scene to load. This will be stored as string in build (the scene's name).
  • Load Scene Mode: The mode on how the scene would be loaded.
    • Single
    • Additive

If you choose Single Mode then you may have to set the executor to be Dont Destroy On Load, or else, there may be unexpected problem due to the destroyed executor.


  • On Complete: The main output that is only invoked when the scene is loaded. If you want to do something next immediately without waiting the loading to finish, use the default main output (the one on the upper right).
  • On Update: Invoked each frame during the loading process. Use this if you want to utilize the Progress output.
  • Progress: The loading progress (0-1).