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Tween Position

Tween Position

Tweens the transform's position by interpolating it over time towards a target position after a certain duration.


  • Transform: The target Transform which we want to tween the position. See Cross-Scene System.
    • Upon using Legacy Cross Scene Binding, in the Cross Scene Binder component, you can specify any component within the same GameObject, since it will automatically get the Transform component.
  • Local Space: Whether to set local position or global position.
  • Duration: The duration of the tween until it reaches End Position.
  • Timescale Independent: Whether to follow the Time.timeScale or not.
  • Easing: The easing function to use for the interpolation.
  • End Position: The target position value.


  • On Complete: The main output that is only invoked when the tweening is finished. If you want to do something next immediately without waiting the tweening to finish, use the default main output (the one on the upper right).
  • Position: Gets the position of the transform.