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Sequine v1.3.0 Highlights

· 2 min read

Sequine has been updated to version 1.3.0. What's new in our new version?

1. Various Ways of Pausing and Resuming Animations

Using Pause Animation Clip At Time command, we can sample a certain pose at certain Time of an animation clip. That way, we don't have to create a new animation clip if we want to create a new pose.

Pause Animation Clip at Time

There are also new commands added in Clip Control, to pause and resume certain clips. Combined with Wait For Seconds command and such, we can recreate our prefered timing.

Pause ResumeAnimation Clip

2. Alternative Ways of Playing Animation Clips

Any command that has Clip field now has in-point to set the clip dynamically. Now we can also get the actual animation clip of an Action.

Play Animation Clip at Range

3. Play Animation Clip at Range

We can use Play Animation Clip At Range command to play an animation clip within the specified time range percentage. Random range variation can also be added by specifying the Smallest Range, so that the range would be randomized between the Smallest Range and Max Range.

Combined with Random Object Selector command, we can animate even more procedurally.

Play Animation Clip at Range