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Sequine 1.5.0 - Performance Improvements & Major Bug Fixes

· 2 min read

Performance Improvements

In version 1.5.0, we did a lot of adjustments, mainly regarding memory allocations. The details can be found in the Release Notes. Some of them might affect user's customized codes, especially if you have a custom command that overrides its GetOutput method, as now we use strongly typed output, where we should no longer cast our output into object (System.Object) type. This is not only less boilerplaty, but also faster since we no longer cast into object which causes allocation due to boxing.

Cross-Scene Reference

Check out the full description in Creating Custom Command Type.

Bug Fixes

The previous update (1.4.0) has a major bug which causes a project not to be buildable, which now has been fixed. This also includes other bug fixes which can be found in Release Notes.

New Features

In previous version, Running a sub-flow was quite confusing since the sub-flow exits once the flow from the default outputs is exited, even if there are still another parallel flows from non-default outputs running. So now, Sequine Flow provides Exit command as an alternative to explicitly specify when to exit as sub flow and back to the parent flow.

Check out the full description in Sub Flow.