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Sequine 1.7.0 - Sub-Flow Input Variables & Bug Fixes

· One min read

Sub-Flow Input Variables

In this version, Sequine Flow's Variables are improved to be able to be utilized outside its scope.

When executing a Sequine Flow using a Run Sub-Flow command, we can pass input values towards the Variables of the specified Sequine Flow. We can think of it just like passing parameters to a function in programming.

Sub-Flow Input Variables

Bug Fixes

There was quite a major bug when Exit command of a Sequine Flow is disabled, the whole nodes editor GUI will be non-interactable when the Exit command is offscreen.

This update also includes other minor bug fixes, especially regarding the random/occasional non-immediate refresh of the displayed nodes upon removing nodes, removing connections, and pasting commands.

You can read more about the new update in the Release Notes.