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Pause Animation Clip At Time

Pause Animation Clip At Time

Pauses an animation by specifying the animation clip asset, and sample a certain pose at the specified time.

This will also automatically plays the animation clip if it's not yet played.


  • Target: The target Sequine Player which we refer to. See Cross-Scene System.
  • Clip: The Animation Clip to pause.
  • Time: The time of the action clip to sample.
  • Use Normalized Time: If true, then the Time will be in percentage of the total duration, instead of directly in seconds.

The configuration is only used if the clip is not already playing.

  • Configurations:
    • Layer: The layer index which this animation should be played to.
    • Transition Duration: The duration of the blending between previous animation and the animation to be played.
    • Normalized Transition: If true, then the Transition Duration will be in percentage of the total duration, instead of directly in seconds.