Pauses an animation by specifying the animation clip asset, and sample a certain pose at the specified time. This will also automatically plays the animation clip if it's not yet played.
override void | Execute (CommandExecutionFlow _flow) |
| The process to execute upon visiting the main in-point (white in-point). More...
override void | Editor_OnDrawTitle (out string _tooltip) |
| Called when a Command Node's title is drawn. Use this to change the tooltip of the command. Also use this to decide whether the Title should draw in-point and/or out-point. More...
override void | Editor_InitInPoints () |
| Called when a Command Node is initialized, specifically the in-points. Use this method to ensure inputIds as well. More...
override void | Editor_OnDrawContents (Vector2 _absPosition) |
| Called when a Command Node is drawn. More...
Public Member Functions inherited from Calcatz.Sequine.SequineTargetCommand |
override bool | Validate (CommandData _commandData) |
| Validate() is called when opening the nodes editor (if in Edit Mode), or right before the command execution (if in Play Mode). The main purpose is to adapt or validate any data inside the Command, if its structure had been changed. More...
override void | Editor_InitInPoints () |
| Called when a Command Node is initialized, specifically the in-points. Use this method to ensure inputIds as well. More...
override void | Editor_OnDrawContents (Vector2 _absPosition) |
| Called when a Command Node is drawn. More...
Public Member Functions inherited from Calcatz.CookieCutter.Command< float > |
virtual int | GetNextOutputIndex () |
| Get the output index to get the next command ID upon exiting this command. More...
virtual object | GetOutputBoxed (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _pointIndex) |
| Get output value at out-point index. More...
override sealed object | GetOutputBoxed (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _pointIndex) |
override sealed object | GetOutputBoxed (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _pointIndex) |
override sealed object | GetOutputBoxed (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _pointIndex) |
override sealed object | GetOutputBoxed (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _pointIndex) |
override sealed object | GetOutputBoxed (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _pointIndex) |
override sealed object | GetOutputBoxed (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _pointIndex) |
override sealed object | GetOutputBoxed (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _pointIndex) |
override sealed object | GetOutputBoxed (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _pointIndex) |
override sealed object | GetOutputBoxed (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _pointIndex) |
override sealed object | GetOutputBoxed (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _pointIndex) |
virtual void | Editor_InitOutPoints () |
| Called when a Command Node is initialized, specifically the out-points. Use this method to ensure nextIds as well. More...
bool | TryGetCommandAtOutputIndex (CommandData _commandData, int _outputIndex, out Command _nextCommand) |
| Try get the next command at the specified main output index. The current command data of a flow may be dynamically changing, so this is the approach to specify a commmand data directly. More...
bool | TryGetCommandAtOutputIndex< TCommand > (CommandData _commandData, int _outputIndex, out TCommand _nextCommand) |
| Try get the next command at the specified main output index. The current command data of a flow may be dynamically changing, so this is the approach to specify a commmand data directly. More...
virtual T1 | GetOutput (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _pointIndex) |
virtual OneOf< T1, T2 > | GetOutput (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _pointIndex) |
virtual OneOf< T1, T2, T3 > | GetOutput (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _pointIndex) |
virtual OneOf< T1, T2, T3, T4 > | GetOutput (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _pointIndex) |
virtual OneOf< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 > | GetOutput (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _pointIndex) |
virtual OneOf< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 > | GetOutput (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _pointIndex) |
virtual OneOf< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 > | GetOutput (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _pointIndex) |
virtual OneOf< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8 > | GetOutput (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _pointIndex) |
virtual OneOf< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9 > | GetOutput (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _pointIndex) |
virtual OneOf< T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10 > | GetOutput (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _pointIndex) |
Protected Member Functions inherited from Calcatz.Sequine.SequineTargetCommand |
SequinePlayer | GetSequinePlayer (CommandExecutionFlow _flow) |
| Get the suitable Sequine Player component. More...
void | DrawActionsField (int _actionId, System.Action< int > _onActionIdChanged, ref SequineAnimationData _animationData) |
Protected Member Functions inherited from Calcatz.CookieCutter.Command< float > |
T | GetInput< T > (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _index, T _defaultValue) |
| Get input value at in-point index. If the in-point is not connected, the the value from the _defaultValue is retrieved. This should be called during the same frame when the Execute method is called (not asynchronously). More...
T | GetInput< T > (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _index) |
| Get input value at in-point index. If the in-point is not connected, the the value from GetDefaultInput is retrieved. This should be called during the same frame when the Execute method is called (not asynchronously). More...
bool | IsInputConnected (int _index) |
T | GetConnectedInputValue< T > (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _index) |
void | Exit () |
| Exit this command, and continue to next command if available. More...
virtual void | OnExit () |
| Can be optionally overriden to do something before actually exiting the command. More...
virtual void | HandleInterruption () |
| Called when the current flow is force killed, while the currently executed command is exactly this command, and has not exited. Note that "exited" here means that Exit() method has been called. More...
void | RunSubFlow (SubFlowInfo _subFlowInfo) |
| Run a flow, starting from the command at output index. More...
void | RunSubFlow (ref SubFlowInfo _subFlowInfo, bool _invalidateImmediately=false) |
| Run a flow, starting from the command at output index. More...
void | RunSubFlow (int _outputIndex, bool _invalidateImmediately=false) |
| Run a flow, starting from the command at output index. This can only be used in a command with ICommandAutoDraw interface. More...
void | RunSubFlow (string _outputLabel, bool _invalidateImmediately=false) |
| Run a flow, starting from the command at output index. This can only be used in a command with ICommandAutoDraw interface. More...
bool | TryGetCommandAtOutputIndex (SubFlowInfo _subFlowInfo, out Command _nextCommand) |
| Try get the next command at the specified main output index (the command target of a sub-flow). More...
bool | TryGetCommandAtOutputIndex (int _outputIndex, out Command _nextCommand) |
| Try get the next command at the specified main output index. This can only be used in a command with ICommandAutoDraw interface. More...
bool | TryGetCommandAtOutputIndex (string _outputLabel, out Command _nextCommand) |
| Try get the next command at the specified output label. This can only be used in a command with ICommandAutoDraw interface. More...
bool | CheckTargetComponentInput< T > (CommandExecutionFlow _flow, int _inPortTarget, out T _targetObject) |
| Helper for targetting object, which also considers fallback to sibling components and legacy cross-scene binding. More...
Pauses an animation by specifying the animation clip asset, and sample a certain pose at the specified time. This will also automatically plays the animation clip if it's not yet played.