▼NCalcatz | |
►NCookieCutter | |
►NAudio | |
CAudioConfig | |
CAudioConfigProvider | |
CAudioManager | |
CAudioPlayer | An audio player in a form of MonoBehaviour component as a helper so that audio can be played through UnityEvent set from inspector. |
CAudioSourceAutoAdjustVolume | A component that requires an Audio Source, that makes it listen to the Audio Manager, to update the volume when it's affected. |
CAudioVolumeSetter | An audio volume setter in a form of MonoBehaviour component as a helper so that it can be called through UnityEvent set from inspector. |
►CSoundLibrary | Library of sound groups, each identified with a customizable ID. |
CSoundData | |
►NLocalization | |
CLocalizedAudioClipFormatter | |
CLocalizedFontFormatter | |
CLocalizedGameObjectFormatter | |
CLocalizedMaterialFormatter | |
CLocalizedMeshFormatter | |
CLocalizedObjectFormatter | |
CLocalizedReferenceFormatter | |
CLocalizedSpriteFormatter | |
CLocalizedStringFormatter | |
CLocalizedTextureFormatter | |
CLocalizedTmpFontFormatter | |
►CActionHistory | |
CHistoryData | |
CActionRecord | |
CAndCommand | Compares 2 booleans with AND logical operator. |
CAsyncUtility | |
CBlankCommandNode | |
CBoolComparatorCommand | Base class of boolean comparator commands. |
CBooleanConnectionPoint | |
CBranchCommand | Evaluates each condition in order, from top to bottom. The first condition met will be executed, while the rest will be skipped. |
CBranchCommandNode | |
►CBuildableCommand | Legacy. The old way of making a command that doesn't require a new sub-class of CommandNode. |
CIO | |
CBuildableCommandNode | |
►CBuildablePropertyCommand | Legacy. The old way of making a property command that doesn't require a new sub-class of CommandNode. |
CIO | |
CBuildablePropertyCommandNode | |
CCastFloatToIntegerCommand | Casts float value to integer. |
CCastIntegerToFloatCommand | Casts integer value to float. |
CCCAssetPostProcessor | |
CCCAssetUtility | |
CChangeTimeScaleCommand | Modifies the value of the global time scale using Time.timeScale. |
CClipboardUtility | |
►CCommand | Base class of all command types. |
CConnectionTarget | |
CSubFlowInfo | |
►CCommandCreatorWindow | |
CCommandConstructor | |
CCommandDataInclusion | |
CCommandLine | |
CDummyCommand | |
CDummyNodesContainer | |
►CCommandData | |
CVariable | |
CCommandDataInspectorPreview | Enables editing command nodes inside inspector through the preview section. |
CCommandDataPropertyDrawer | |
CCommandExecutionFlow | |
CCommandExecutor | |
►CCommandGUI | Shortcuts for drawing custom node through Command (without using Command Node). Can only be used if the Command has no Command Node. Otherwise, an error will be occured. |
Cinternal_Actions | |
CCommandInPoint | |
CCommandInspectorWindow | |
CCommandLinePropertyDrawer | |
CCommandListWindow | |
►CCommandNode | |
CCommandNodeConfig | |
CStyles | |
CCommandNodesContainer | |
CCommandNodesContainerAttribute | |
CCommandNodesWindow | |
CCommandOutPoint | |
►CCommandRegistry | |
CRegistry | |
CCommandScriptGenerator | |
CCommandTreeElement | |
►CComponentUtility | |
CTransformData | |
CConnection | |
CConnectionPoint | |
CCoroutineUtility | |
CCrossSceneActivationMixerPlayable | |
CCrossSceneActivationPlayableAsset | Playable Asset class for Global Directional Light Activation Tracks |
CCrossSceneActivationTrack | Track that can be used to control the active state of a GameObject. |
CCrossSceneBinder | Binds a component with an asset, so that the component is accessible from outside the scene by getting the component using the binder asset. |
CCrossSceneBinderAsset | A simple asset which the sole purpose is to act as a binder asset. |
CCrossSceneBinderComponentCreator | |
CCrossSceneBinderDebugger | |
CCrossSceneBindingUtility | A utility class to manage cross-scene binded components. A cross-scene component can be obtained by specifying the binder asset. |
CCrossSceneComponentCommand | Gets a Cross Scene Component, binded by a Cross Scene Binder. |
CCrossSceneComponentCommandNode | |
CCrossSceneRefAttribute | |
CCrossSceneRefDrawer | |
CCrossSceneRefsUtility | |
CCrossSceneRefsValidatorAssetProjectSettings | |
CCustomCommandFinderLogic | |
CCustomCommandFinderTarget | |
CCustomCommandNodeDrawerAttribute | |
CDebugLogCommand | Prints a text to the Console using Debug.Log, Debug.LogWarning, or Debug.LogError. |
CDebugLogCommandNode | |
CDirectObjectReorderableList | |
CEditorCrossSceneRefsUtility | Editor-only. |
CEditorZoomArea | |
CExampleBuildableCommand | |
CFloatComparatorCommand | Compares 2 floats with certain comparator. |
CFloatConnectionPoint | |
CFloatOperatorCommand | Calculates a value by operating 2 floats. |
CGenericMenuPopup | |
CGetCommandTrackSwitchCommand | |
CGetComponentCommand | |
CGetLocalizedStringCommand | |
CGlobalCoroutine | |
CGlobalStarredCommandMenuAttribute | Add this command as one of the starred commands (recommended commands) in add-command context menu when currently holding an output point connection of an existing command. |
CICommandAutoDraw | |
CICommandData | Interface for command data so it can be used into various kind of unity object. |
CICommandExecutor | |
CIntConnectionPoint | |
CIntegerComparatorCommand | Compares 2 integers with certain comparator. |
CIntegerOperatorCommand | Calculates a value by operating 2 integers. |
CIsTimelinePlayingCommand | |
CISubDataCommand | |
CITargetObject | |
CITextFormatterCommand | |
CIVariableUser | |
CLocalizationAssemblyReloadHandler | |
CMainConnectionPoint | |
CMainOutPointAttribute | |
CMissingScriptsFinder | |
CMonoBehaviourCommandData | |
CMonoBehaviourCommandExecutor | |
CMoveLocalPositionActionRecord | |
CMovePositionActionRecord | |
CNewCommandDataTypeWizard | |
►CNode | |
CConfig | |
CNodeBasedEditor | |
CNodesContainer | |
CNotCommand | Negates a boolean value. |
CObjectComparatorCommand | Compares 2 objects (derived from UnityEngine.Object) with certain comparator. |
CObjectConnectionPoint | |
COperatorCommand | Base class for commands with operator. |
COrCommand | Compares 2 booleans with OR logical operator. |
CPauseTimelineCommand | |
CPlayTimelineCommand | |
CPropertyCommand | A command that passes through property connection, and has no main (white) connection. |
CPropertyConnectionPoint | |
CPropertyInPointAttribute | |
CPropertyOutPointAttribute | |
CQuaternionConnectionPoint | |
CRandomObjectSelectorCommand | Gets 1 random object from the specified list of objects. |
CRandomObjectSelectorCommandNode | |
CRectExtensions | |
CRegisterCommandAttribute | An alternative way to register command without registering through Command Nodes Container. |
CResumeTimelineCommand | |
CScreenSwatch | |
CScriptableObjectCommandData | |
CScriptableObjectCommandNodesWindow | Command Node Editor for Command Data contained in ScriptableObject object. |
CScriptableObjectWithGUID | |
CScriptedCommandDataModifier | |
CScriptedCommandDataModifierWindow | |
►CScrollWheelSearchPopup | |
►CContent | |
CContentItem | |
CSelectionBox | |
CSerializableGUID | |
CSerializableGUIDDrawer | |
CSetCommandTrackSwitchCommand | |
CSetTimelineWrapModeCommand | |
CSetVariableCommand | Sets a local variable. |
CSetVariableCommandNode | |
CShowCommandNodesAttribute | |
CSimpleSeparableBlur | |
CSimpleSettingsProvider | |
CStarredCommandMenuAttribute | Add starred commands (recommended commands) in add-command context menu when currently holding an output point connection of an existing command. |
CStarredCommandPair | |
CStickyNoteCommand | Sticky note which contains only notes/information without actually affecting the process. |
CStickyNoteCommandNode | |
CStopTimelineCommand | |
CStringComparatorCommand | Compares 2 strings with certain comparator. |
CStringConnectionPoint | |
CStringExtension | |
CStringFormatterCommand | Creates a string value, which is formattable using format items. |
CStringFormatterCommandNode | |
CTargetObject | |
CTextFormatterCommand | Base class for commands that include string formatting using arguments. |
CTextFormatterCommandNode | |
CTextureAssetPicker | |
CTimelineCommandDataClip | |
CTimelineCommandExecutorBehaviour | |
CTimelineCommandNodesContainer | |
►CTimelineCommandTrack | |
CSwitch | |
CTimelineExtrapolationCommand | Modifies the wrap mode of a PlayableDirector. |
CTimelinePlayerCommand | Play, Resume, Stop, or Pause a PlayableDirector. |
CTimelinePlayerCommandNode | |
►CUITKTable | |
CTableEvent | |
CVariableCommand | Gets a local variable value. |
CVariableCommandNode | |
CVariableTable | |
CVector3ConnectionPoint | |
CWaitForCommandTrackSwitchCommand | |
CWaitForFramesCommand | Waits for certain duration in seconds before continuing to the next command. |
CWaitForSecondsCommand | Waits for certain duration in seconds before continuing to the next command. |
►NSequine | |
CAnimationConfig | Configuration on an animation would be played. |
CAudioSourceControlCommand | Control whether to play, stop, pause, or resume Audio Source. |
CBGMControlCommand | Plays a music using the specified Audio Clip, in BGM channel. |
CCharacterData | Text's character data, used to track the text animation. |
CColorTextBehaviourComponent | Using Colors component, we can change the text colors by specifying the color list from the Colors field. |
CComponentEditorUtility | |
CCustomTextBehaviourEditorAttribute | An attribute that binds a subclass of TextBehaviourComponent to draw using custom property drawer. |
CEasingFunction | |
CEulerToQuaternionCommand | Casts Euler Angles to Quaternion. |
CGetActionClipCommand | Gets the actual animation clip reference of a Sequine Animation Data by specifying the action. |
CGetGlobalVariableCommand | Gets a value of a certain global variable. |
CGetGlobalVariableCommandNode | |
CGetTransformCommand | Gets Transform values. |
CGradientTextBehaviourComponent | Using Gradient component, we can change the color of the text overtime by specifying the gradient color from the Gradient field. |
CLoadSceneAsyncCommand | Loads a scene asynchronously. Make sure to add the scene to the build settings first. |
CLoadSceneCommand | Loads a scene synchronously. Make sure to add the scene to the build settings first. |
CLookRotationCommand | Casts Quaternion to Euler Angles. |
CModifyTransformCommand | Base class for commands that modifies a Transform's value. |
CPauseActionAnimationAtTimeCommand | Pauses an animation by specifying the action animation, and sample a certain pose at the specified time. This will also automatically plays the action animation if it's not yet played. |
CPauseActionAnimationCommand | Pauses an animation (if the action is currently playing) by specifying the action animation. |
CPauseAnimationClipAtTimeCommand | Pauses an animation by specifying the animation clip asset, and sample a certain pose at the specified time. This will also automatically plays the animation clip if it's not yet played. |
CPauseAnimationClipCommand | Pauses an animation (if the clip is currently playing) by specifying the animation clip asset. |
CPauseSequinePlayerCommand | Pauses the entire animation of the specified Sequine Player. |
CPerCharacterColorTextBehaviourComponent | Using Per Character Color component, we can change the text color per character by turns, according to the color order specified in the Colors list. |
CPlayActionAnimationCommand | Plays an action (animation that is listed in a Sequine Animation Data asset) by specifying the Action ID. |
CPlayActionAnimationWithTranslationCommand | Plays an action (animation that is listed in a Sequine Animation Data asset) by specifying the Action ID, and apply a simple translation along the animation |
CPlayAmbienceCommand | Plays an ambience using the specified Audio Clip, in Ambience channel. |
CPlayAmbienceFromLibraryCommand | Plays an ambience from Ambience Library in Ambience channel. |
CPlayAnimationClipAtRangeCommand | Plays an animation by specifying the animation clip asset, and only play within the percentaged range |
CPlayAnimationClipCommand | Plays an animation by specifying the animation clip asset. |
CPlayAudioClipCommand | Plays an audio clip directly in Master channel. |
CPlayBGMFromLibraryCommand | Plays a music from BGM Library in BGM channel. |
CPlayLoopingSoundCommand | Base class of commands that play a looping audio clip. |
CPlayMEFromLibraryCommand | Plays a sound from ME (Music Effects) library in ME channel. |
CPlayOneShotSoundCommand | Base class of commands that play a one shot audio clip. |
CPlaySFXFromLibraryCommand | Plays a sound from SFX library in SFX channel. |
CQuaternionMultipleByVector3Command | Multiplies Quaternion with Vector3 as quaternion transformation to a vector. |
CQuaternionToEulerCommand | Casts Quaternion to Euler Angles. |
CResumeActionAnimationCommand | Resumes an animation (if the action is previously paused) by specifying the animation clip asset. |
CResumeAnimationClipCommand | Resumes an animation (if the clip is previously paused) by specifying the animation clip asset. |
CResumeSequinePlayerCommand | Resumes the animation of the specified Sequine Player and continue its state. |
CRunSubFlowAssetCommand | Executes a Sequine Flow Asset, and continue to next command only when the specified Sequine Flow Asset finished its execution. |
►CRunSubFlowCommand | |
CVariablePair | |
CRunSubFlowComponentCommand | Executes a Sequine Flow Component, and continue to next command only when the specified Sequine Flow Component finished its execution. |
CSequineActionAnimationCommand | Base class for commands that targets a Sequine Player component that plays an action animation. |
CSequineAnimationCommand | Base class for commands that targets a Sequine Player component and uses animation configuration without implementing how to play the animation yet. |
►CSequineAnimationData | A data container for action clips. Also used as a binder asset of Sequine Player component. |
CActionClip | |
CSequineFlowAsset | Sequine Flow Asset is an asset (a file in your Project window) that carries Sequine Flow data. |
CSequineFlowClip | Sequine Flow Clip is a timeline clip that carries Sequine Flow data. |
CSequineFlowCommand | Blank command for SequineFlow command data. |
CSequineFlowCommandData | Command Data type for Sequine's scope. |
CSequineFlowCommandNode | |
CSequineFlowComponent | Sequine Flow Component is a component that carries Sequine Flow data. |
CSequineFlowExecutor | The executor of a Sequine Flow Asset. |
CSequineFlowNodesContainer | |
►CSequineGlobalData | The container of Global Variables, which are basically Variables, except they can be accessed and shared globally, not limited to the scope of the Sequine Flow object. |
CDataContainer | |
CSequineLayer | Manages animation clips mixing in a certain layer. |
►CSequinePlayer | Sequine Player is a component that can play Animation Clip on demand without relying on Animator Controller. |
CLayerRegistry | |
CSequineRangedState | A specific type of SequineState where it plays an animation clip within a certain time range |
CSequineState | Manages how an animation clip behaves upon being played. |
CSequineTargetCommand | Base class for commands that targets a Sequine Player component. |
CSequineText | Sequine Text is a TextMeshPro animation tool with stackable behaviour. Using the stackable behaviour, you can deicide whether you want to animate it per character or the whole texts, the timings, the colors, etc. |
CSetGlobalVariableCommand | Sets a value of a certain global variable. |
CSetGlobalVariableCommandNode | |
CSetLayerWeightCommand | Resumes the animation of the specified Sequine Player and continue its state. |
CSetPositionCommand | Sets transform's position. |
CSetRotationCommand | Sets transform's rotation. |
CSetScaleCommand | Sets transform's local scale. |
CTextAnimationCommand | Changes/modifies the text of a TextMeshPro Text component, and apply animation to it. |
CTextAnimationSegment | A segment of the text within the range of the appended text. |
CTextBehaviourComponent | Base class for Text Behaviour Components, which defines the actual behaviour of a Text Behaviour Profile. |
CTextBehaviourProfile | Text Behaviour Profile is an asset that contains the concrete profile of the stacked text animation behaviour. |
CTransformTextBehaviourComponent | Using Transform component, we can modify the transform of the characters. We can combine on which properties (Scale, Position, and Rotation) of the transform we want to apply. |
CTransformTextBehaviourEditor | |
CTransformTweenCommand | Base class for commands that tweens a Transform's value. |
CTween | Runs and manages a single Tween. |
CTweenPositionCommand | Tweens the transform's position by interpolating it over time towards a target position after a certain duration. |
CTweenRotationCommand | Tweens the transform's rotation by interpolating it over time towards a target rotation after a certain duration. |
CTweenScaleCommand | Tweens the transform's local scale by interpolating it over time towards a target local scale after a certain duration. |
CUpdateModeUtility | |
CVector3DivideByFloatCommand | Divides Vector3 with Float. |
CVector3MultipleByFloatCommand | Multiplies Vector3 with Float. |
CVector3OperatorCommand | Calculates a Vector3 value by operating 2 Vector3s. |
CWaitForInput | Waits for an input before proceeding to the next command. |
CWarpTextBehaviourComponent | Using Warp component, we can warp the text mesh based on the Warp Curve. The warp amplitude can be increased or decreased using the Curve Multiplier. We can then define how it applies to the animation using the Intensity Curve. |