Sequine - Scripting API
Calcatz.CookieCutter Namespace Reference




class  ActionHistory
class  ActionRecord
class  AndCommand
 Compares 2 booleans with AND logical operator. More...
class  AsyncUtility
class  BlankCommandNode
class  BoolComparatorCommand
 Base class of boolean comparator commands. More...
class  BooleanConnectionPoint
class  BranchCommand
 Evaluates each condition in order, from top to bottom. The first condition met will be executed, while the rest will be skipped. More...
class  BranchCommandNode
class  BuildableCommand
 Legacy. The old way of making a command that doesn't require a new sub-class of CommandNode. More...
class  BuildableCommandNode
class  BuildablePropertyCommand
 Legacy. The old way of making a property command that doesn't require a new sub-class of CommandNode. More...
class  BuildablePropertyCommandNode
class  CastFloatToIntegerCommand
 Casts float value to integer. More...
class  CastIntegerToFloatCommand
 Casts integer value to float. More...
class  CCAssetPostProcessor
class  CCAssetUtility
class  ChangeTimeScaleCommand
 Modifies the value of the global time scale using Time.timeScale. More...
class  ClipboardUtility
class  Command
 Base class of all command types. More...
class  CommandCreatorWindow
class  CommandData
class  CommandDataInspectorPreview
 Enables editing command nodes inside inspector through the preview section. More...
class  CommandDataPropertyDrawer
class  CommandExecutionFlow
class  CommandExecutor
class  CommandGUI
 Shortcuts for drawing custom node through Command (without using Command Node). Can only be used if the Command has no Command Node. Otherwise, an error will be occured. More...
class  CommandInPoint
class  CommandInspectorWindow
class  CommandLinePropertyDrawer
class  CommandListWindow
class  CommandNode
class  CommandNodesContainer
class  CommandNodesContainerAttribute
class  CommandNodesWindow
class  CommandOutPoint
class  CommandRegistry
class  CommandScriptGenerator
class  CommandTreeElement
class  ComponentUtility
class  Connection
class  ConnectionPoint
class  CookieCutterProvider
class  CoroutineUtility
class  CrossSceneActivationMixerPlayable
class  CrossSceneActivationPlayableAsset
 Playable Asset class for Global Directional Light Activation Tracks More...
class  CrossSceneActivationTrack
 Track that can be used to control the active state of a GameObject. More...
class  CrossSceneBinder
 Binds a component with an asset, so that the component is accessible from outside the scene by getting the component using the binder asset. More...
class  CrossSceneBinderAsset
 A simple asset which the sole purpose is to act as a binder asset. More...
class  CrossSceneBinderComponentCreator
class  CrossSceneBinderDebugger
class  CrossSceneBinderInspector
class  CrossSceneBindingUtility
 A utility class to manage cross-scene binded components. A cross-scene component can be obtained by specifying the binder asset. More...
class  CrossSceneComponentCommand
 Gets a Cross Scene Component, binded by a Cross Scene Binder. More...
class  CrossSceneComponentCommandNode
class  CrossSceneRefAttribute
class  CrossSceneRefDrawer
class  CrossSceneRefsContainer
class  CrossSceneRefsContainerEditor
class  CrossSceneRefsUtility
class  CrossSceneRefsValidatorAsset
 Used to ensure the GUIDs accross all different scenes are unique.
class  CrossSceneRefsValidatorAssetEditor
class  CrossSceneRefsValidatorAssetProjectSettings
class  CustomCommandFinderLogic
class  CustomCommandFinderTarget
class  CustomCommandNodeDrawerAttribute
class  DebugLogCommand
 Prints a text to the Console using Debug.Log, Debug.LogWarning, or Debug.LogError. More...
class  DebugLogCommandNode
class  DirectObjectReorderableList
class  EditorCrossSceneRefsUtility
 Editor-only. More...
class  EditorZoomArea
class  ExampleBuildableCommand
class  FloatComparatorCommand
 Compares 2 floats with certain comparator. More...
class  FloatConnectionPoint
class  FloatOperatorCommand
 Calculates a value by operating 2 floats. More...
class  GenericMenuPopup
class  GetCommandTrackSwitchCommand
class  GetComponentCommand
class  GetLocalizedStringCommand
class  GlobalCoroutine
class  GlobalStarredCommandMenuAttribute
 Add this command as one of the starred commands (recommended commands) in add-command context menu when currently holding an output point connection of an existing command. More...
class  HiddenObjectsDebugger
interface  ICommandAutoDraw
interface  ICommandData
 Interface for command data so it can be used into various kind of unity object. More...
interface  ICommandExecutor
interface  ICommandOutput
class  IntConnectionPoint
class  IntegerComparatorCommand
 Compares 2 integers with certain comparator. More...
class  IntegerOperatorCommand
 Calculates a value by operating 2 integers. More...
class  IsTimelinePlayingCommand
interface  ISubDataCommand
interface  ITargetObject
interface  ITextFormatterCommand
interface  IVariableUser
class  LocalizationAssemblyReloadHandler
class  MainConnectionPoint
class  MainOutPointAttribute
class  MenuItemNode
class  MissingScriptsFinder
class  MonoBehaviourCommandData
class  MonoBehaviourCommandExecutor
class  MoveLocalPositionActionRecord
class  MovePositionActionRecord
class  NewCommandDataTypeWizard
class  Node
class  NodeBasedEditor
class  NodesContainer
class  NotCommand
 Negates a boolean value. More...
class  ObjectComparatorCommand
 Compares 2 objects (derived from UnityEngine.Object) with certain comparator. More...
class  ObjectConnectionPoint
class  OperatorCommand
 Base class for commands with operator. More...
class  OrCommand
 Compares 2 booleans with OR logical operator. More...
class  PauseTimelineCommand
class  PlayTimelineCommand
class  PostAssemblyReloadHandler
class  PropertyCommand
 A command that passes through property connection, and has no main (white) connection. More...
class  PropertyConnectionPoint
class  PropertyInPointAttribute
class  PropertyOutPointAttribute
class  QuaternionConnectionPoint
class  RandomObjectSelectorCommand
 Gets 1 random object from the specified list of objects. More...
class  RandomObjectSelectorCommandNode
class  RectExtensions
class  RegisterCommandAttribute
 An alternative way to register command without registering through Command Nodes Container. More...
class  ResumeTimelineCommand
class  ScreenSwatch
class  ScriptableObjectCommandData
class  ScriptableObjectCommandNodesWindow
 Command Node Editor for Command Data contained in ScriptableObject object. More...
class  ScriptableObjectWithGUID
class  ScriptedCommandDataModifier
class  ScriptedCommandDataModifierWindow
class  ScrollWheelSearchPopup
class  SelectionBox
class  SerializableGUID
class  SerializableGUIDDrawer
class  SetCommandTrackSwitchCommand
class  SetTimelineWrapModeCommand
class  SetVariableCommand
 Sets a local variable. More...
class  SetVariableCommandNode
class  ShowCommandNodesAttribute
class  SimpleSeparableBlur
class  SimpleSettingsProvider
class  StarredCommandMenuAttribute
 Add starred commands (recommended commands) in add-command context menu when currently holding an output point connection of an existing command. More...
class  StarredCommandPair
class  StickyNoteCommand
 Sticky note which contains only notes/information without actually affecting the process. More...
class  StickyNoteCommandNode
class  StopTimelineCommand
class  StringComparatorCommand
 Compares 2 strings with certain comparator. More...
class  StringConnectionPoint
class  StringExtension
class  StringFormatterCommand
 Creates a string value, which is formattable using format items. More...
class  StringFormatterCommandNode
class  TargetObject
class  TextFormatterCommand
 Base class for commands that include string formatting using arguments. More...
class  TextFormatterCommandNode
class  TextureAssetPicker
class  TimelineCommandDataClip
class  TimelineCommandExecutorBehaviour
class  TimelineCommandNodesContainer
class  TimelineCommandTrack
class  TimelineExtrapolationCommand
 Modifies the wrap mode of a PlayableDirector. More...
class  TimelinePlayerCommand
 Play, Resume, Stop, or Pause a PlayableDirector. More...
class  TimelinePlayerCommandNode
class  UITKTable
class  UnityEventDebuggerWindow
class  UnityEventReferenceFinder
class  VariableCommand
 Gets a local variable value. More...
class  VariableCommandNode
class  VariableTable
class  Vector3ConnectionPoint
class  WaitForCommandTrackSwitchCommand
class  WaitForFramesCommand
 Waits for certain duration in seconds before continuing to the next command. More...
class  WaitForSecondsCommand
 Waits for certain duration in seconds before continuing to the next command. More...


enum  EditorReferenceMode { CrossSceneReference = 1 , DirectObject = 2 , LegacyCrossSceneBinding = 4 }
enum  ConnectionPointType { In , Out }

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ConnectionPointType


◆ EditorReferenceMode
